Santa Cruz's "F#?! Em" Premiere Photos

Santa Cruz's "F#?! Em" Premiere Photos 10/17/2023 Santa Cruz Skateboards' 50th anniversary keeps rolling out. Last weekend, we got a video premiere at Black Plague Brewery in North Park. The place was packed with skaters to see what San Diego’s Erick Winkowski put together. You know Erick never disappoints! And you also know Rob Pace’s handrail destruction was a crowdpleaser. It was only appropriate the mayhem ensued on Friday the 13th! Now, see who came out. —Rhino

1 Santa Cruz Fuck Em Premiere Rhino 1500The Winkowski family showed up early for this one

2 Santa Cruz Fuck Em Premiere Rhino 1500Some of Erick’s cousins checking out his 5 Greats in the new mag

3 Santa Cruz Fuck Em Premiere Rhino 1500Party's over here!

4 Santa Cruz Fuck Em Premiere Rhino 1500Slappy’s Garage Brendan O’Conner and a friend rolled up

5 Santa Cruz Fuck Em Premiere Rhino 1500The Tijuana crew even made it over the border for this one!

6 Santa Cruz Fuck Em Premiere Rhino 1500SC fam Maurio McCoy and Fabiana Delfino wouldn’t miss it for the world

7 Santa Cruz Fuck Em Premiere Rhino 1500Ripping neighbors Glenn Garcia and Erick

8 Santa Cruz Fuck Em Premiere Rhino 1500These two were fired up

9 Santa Cruz Fuck Em Premiere Rhino 1500Brennan Scott and Ace Pelka

10 Santa Cruz Fuck Em Premiere Rhino 1500Hurvey Haskins still holding down the heaviest beard in skateboarding

11 Santa Cruz Fuck Em Premiere Rhino 1500Great to see Koby Dvorak and company

12 Santa Cruz Fuck Em Premiere Rhino 1500Newest residents in San Diego, Cookie and Jaden

13 Santa Cruz Fuck Em Premiere Rhino 1500Kinked noseslider Sam Sneed comes prepared

14 Santa Cruz Fuck Em Premiere Rhino 1500You know Dressen always has a posse

15 Santa Cruz Fuck Em Premiere Rhino 1500Skate fans

16 Santa Cruz Fuck Em Premiere Rhino 1500Had to get a photo with one of my all-time favorite skaters!

17 Santa Cruz Fuck Em Premiere Rhino 1500True or false: these three just got out of jail in Mexicali?

18 Santa Cruz Fuck Em Premiere Rhino 1500SD’s lensmen Jesse and Cam

19 Santa Cruz Fuck Em Premiere Rhino 1500Wouldn't be a premiere in San Diego if Wes didn't make it out!

20 Santa Cruz Fuck Em Premiere Rhino 1500Proud parents, the Winkowski’s. Now go check that video on the site again!
  • Santa Cruz
  • Rhino
  • Erick Winkowski
  • Rob Pace
  • Brendan O’Conner
  • Maurio McCoy
  • Fabiana Delfino
  • Glenn Garcia
  • Brennan Scott
  • Ace Pelka
  • Koby Dvorak
  • chris colbourn
  • Brandon Turner
  • Masaki Hongo
  • Wes Kremer
  • Jaden Hummel

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