Help Tony Willie Get Back Up

Help Tony Willie Get Back Up 7/05/2023 For years now, Whittier native Tony Willie has been putting out high-impact parts in cult videos with his friends—casually stepping to Jaws-level spots with nothing but a homie behind the VX1000. Recently, the worst-case scenario happened—while skating a roof gap, Tony fell off a three-story building resulting in numerous broken bones, and he had to get airlifted to the ER. We all know medical bills ain't cheap and our healthcare system sucks, so if you have a few extra bucks, please consider helping Tony get back on his board. —Ben Karpinski

TonyWillie PopShove Karpinski 2000Pop shove into the bank from better days    Photo: Karpinski

  • Tony Willie
  • Ben Karpinski

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