"Alltimers Leaves the Continent for Once" Article

"Alltimers Leaves the Continent for Once" Article 7/18/2023 Lifestyle Crew Squad Colombia alltimers 2023 Meinholz

Without capping, yeah, 2020 was a doozy. Right? It was pretty hard to go places, dealing with vaccines and proof of testing, not to mention stuff about Americans bringing their damn infections to more vulnerable countries and exacerbating the whole shit. But again, ‘cause it’d be crazy to cap—on the Bible website of all places!—I was just making it easy on myself. Pryce and Rob weren’t mad neither. ”Yeah, sure, we have budget for you to go to Lowell, Massachussetts, for a couple days in your own shitty little van.” From 2020 to the time You Deserve It came out, we pretty much just went around the East Coast trying to make it happen. And honestly, the one time we tried to get it going in Miami, we were all stranded in an Airbnb with the same batch of COVID for a week.

Photos by Joel Meinholz

From the packed public squares to the secluded parks, Alltimers set it off in Medellín

Anyway, I was starting to settle into this half-assed kinda nearby CC van shit. So easy to rip to DC, Philly or Boston—the American Northeast aka my support system. Last time we left the country was 2019 on a trip to Athens, Greece with 17 people—only half of whom were on Alltimers—to celebrate Will going pro. Now, do I regret that mission? Hell no. It built character. The group chat alone was worth the company money it cost to make it happen. But did a few people go to jail? Did the vans almost get their windows smashed in traffic and burned to the ground? Was there ever even an edit to show for our trip? Sure, yeah and hell no!

Now, I know there’s no “I” in team, but I’m the one writing this fuckin’ web article, so I Zach Baker would be lying if I said I wasn’t the smallest bit shook to bring nine people down to Colombia for a few days. My Spanish is pretty good, but still. But it’s no small feat to walk into a fuckin’ Starbucks with nine people, let alone one of the largest cities in South America. I hate to lean on this clichéd-ass targeted-ad-ass assertion, but skateboarding is a global support system. Even my old ass takes that for granted sometimes.

We went to Medellín this past April during Easter week and every part of it was blessed. Barbax showed us around with Alejo. Watermelon Alex, my old friend, was on deck. He’s a local everywhere, a New York legend, and he held us down in Colombia, as he’s been known to do in varying cities for over a decade. ET put it well: “That guy told me more about Medellín in five minutes than I can even tell you about Montreal, and I’m from there.”

I’m honored to be able to go places with this group of skaters. Will, Zered, ET, Stafhon, Sully and Elijah. Jake Cormier was filming and Joel Meinholz shot the photos. That’s a privilege! I’m humbled to be trusted to bring these motherfuckers places, and anytime it goes smooth it comes as a relief and great reward because they deserve that. This trip went fuckin’ money and I owe that to everyone I was surrounded by. Okay, I figure that’s probably sappy enough. I’m sure I’ve already exceeded your attention span for a Thrasher website trip article. Look at these pictures that Mindbender shot! —Zach Baker

Zered SW Hurrican Columbia alltimers 2023 MeinholzIn the shallow end of the Roslyn pool, a graffito had sprayed, “Someone did switch hurricane here back to switch.” Here is that same man Zered Jon Bassett doing switch hurricane back to switch at 4 Sur skatepark in 2023

LifeStyle Crew Columbia alltimers 2023 Meinholz 17Barbax has a skate school, makes art zines and loves skating. Starts his day with a good strong java then pivots to beer soon after

Lifestyle Crew Columbia alltimers 2023 Meinholz 50Fernando whipped that thing like it was stolen. Didn’t mind us chainsmoking. Pretty good dancer

Salomon Back smith Columbia alltimers 2023 Meinholz 7Salomon J. Cardenas ~ Easter Day back Smith. For the record: That thing back there is a tilde and Sully’s last name does not contain one

Salomon Lipslide Railroad Colombia alltimers 2023 Meinholz 7Sully missed his first flight, went to the skatepark in LA, smashed his face, missed his second flight, showed up on the third day puking! After a lil’ Electrolit my boy was chilling. Here he is on the last day, lipsliding a monument of industry

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Elijah Odom Cooks Bump to Bar Columbia alltimers 2023 Meinholz 6Elijah Odom! Crooked grind

Elijah Odom gap 5.0 Columbia alltimers 2023 Meinholz 3I believe this was Good Friday. This setup was down the hill from the crib; we looked at it every day. It was on a corner with a shop where old men would post up at the window and sip rum. They were fuckin’ down for Eli and Sully and we got them a bottle of rum for their patience after this gap 5-0

Elijah Odom Full Cab Ollie Rail Columbia alltimers 2023 MeinholzNever seen Elijah do a full Cab until this. That happens often and it’s a part of why he’s one of my favorite skaters to ever do it. He keeps his cards close so when he does things, it’s often a surprise. There are other words: EXPLOSIVE is one. Maybe we’re all better off if we just let the skating speak for itself

ET Front Blunt Columbia alltimers 2023 Meinholz 2The South Shore’s very own Etienne Gagne. Boy hasn’t had a bev in well over a year. He just makes belts, lifts weights and pushes peter

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Et Front Nose Columbia Alltimers 2023This place was insane. Took a full can of Jalba’s dad’s sauce to get it going. Glad to get this sequence out so people can stop texting to ask how he possibly did this noseslide. This is where I’m trying to skate at—serene sculpture gardens and shit. Life is too short to spend perishing under the Kosciuszko Bridge

Stafhon Nose Grindt Columbia alltimers 2023 MeinholzA place like this will do, too. Giant untouched plaza with every granite ledge variation imaginable, no wax needed to nosegrind. Here’s a postcard from Stafhon back to the ‘Saug

Sunbun Lifestyle Colombia alltimers 2023 Meinholz 2I booked Will and Jake a demonic itinerary with a 12-hour layover in Miami, each way. They made the best of it and did full shifts at the beach and Club Deuce. It was Jake’s first time in Miami and he showed up sizzled to a crisp

Will Marsh Noliie inward Heel over rail Columbia alltimers 2023 Meinholz 8Will’s right at home in Medellín. Nollie inward over this one-of-a-kind rail into bank

Will Marsh Odem Lifestyle Columbia alltimers 2023 MeinholzOne time for Jake Cormier. One of the hardest working anythings I’ve done anything with in any capacity. Some people work hard in place of talent; some people are talented so they don’t have to work that hard. Jake is the rare case of being good at it but still working harder than anyone. Last asleep, first one up kinda guy. Then on the other hand…

Zach Baker Front Wallride Columbia alltimers 2023 Meinholz 5…there’s me! Zach of all trades, master of none. Front wallride. I pretty much basically rolled away from it, too! Meinholz said it counted, so I’m takin' it

Alex Watermellon Columbia alltimers 2023 MeinholzAnyway, here’s a chimba pic of Melons to send you off. Thanks to the Bible for hosting this shit and to you, kind reader, for skimming these photos and maybe even looking at a couple of the words.
  • Alltimers
  • Zach Baker
  • Zered Bassett
  • Salomon Cardenas
  • Etienne Gagne
  • Stafhon Boca
  • Elijah Odom
  • Joel Meinholz

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Originally posted on: https://www.thrashermagazine.com/articles/alltimers-leaves-the-continent-for-once/